The IDEAL Industries Foundation invests in philanthropic solutions to issues impacting IDEAL and its employees, communities and customers, increasing equity and prosperity for all.

Built upon a commitment to good corporate citizenship and to honor Founder J. Walter Becker’s belief in the importance of strong relationships, the IDEAL Industries Foundation has been making grants to improve quality of life since 1985. Currently, the Foundation’s work focuses on two areas: supporting social service organizations within DeKalb County, Illinois, and increasing participation by women and people of color in the electrical trades.

In 2023 the IDEAL Industries Foundation gave over $600,000 to support these efforts.

Areas of Focus



The IDEAL Industries Foundation was established in 1985 by former CEO and Board Chairman Dave Juday. The Foundation's inception was in effort to formalize our company's commitment to giving back to the community and to build on Founder J. Walter Becker's belief in the importance of strong relationships in business. Becker's philosophy, "Live, let live, and help live," has been the Foundation's guiding principle ever since. For over 35 years, the Foundation has stewarded and distributed corporate philanthropy and will continue its work thanks to a legacy bequest made by family members E.T. and Jean B. Juday in 2014.

“Live, and let live, and help live”

- J. Walter Becker

Supported DeKalb Nonprofits

Communities are strongest when opportunities for increased health and well-being are extended to all. With the goal of supporting quality of life of residents within its local community, the Foundation focuses its giving priorities to eight longstanding nonprofit organizations within DeKalb County. 

Mission and Impact

The Foundation funds innovative initiatives that train and support women and people of color to enter and stay in the electrical trades. By encouraging these traditionally underrepresented groups to participate in the electrical industry, the Foundation helps address current and future workforce shortages and to strengthen the long term vitality of the electrical industry.

Meet the IDEAL Foundation Executive Director: Nicole Juday


With over 20 years in the nonprofit sector, Nicole Juday has spent her career engaging audiences through program development and implementation and designing and executing fundraising strategies for a range of nonprofit organizations. Her work in development has included leading major gift programs, heading multimillion fundraising campaigns, spearheading audience engagement programs and developing and managing large-scale strategic projects.


In 2022, Nicole became the Executive Director of the IDEAL Industries Foundation. Attracted by the opportunity to provide philanthropic solutions for the IDEAL Industries employees, customers and surrounding communities. Here, she works to align the Foundation’s charitable activities with the IDEAL business strategy. To maximize impact, this includes an emphasis on increasing participation by women and people of color in the skilled trades. Nicole also leads the IDEAL community relations initiatives, working to build external relationships with elected officials, civic leaders, cultural organizations and social service organizations.


Nicole has served on many nonprofit boards and has a certificate in Corporate Social Responsibility from the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship and a certificate in High Impact Philanthropy from the University of Pennsylvania.

How to Request Support


Currently, the Foundation does not accept requests for funding from other organizations, although there are other ways to request support. Learn more about our corporate sponsorship program and how to request a tool donation. While we do not accept funding proposals, questions about what we support and how we work can be sent to




How to Apply

The IDEAL Industries Foundation operates by invitation and does not accept unsolicited requests for grant funding.

If you are a nonprofit requesting an in kind donation for IDEAL products.

If you are requesting corporate sponsorship from IDEAL Industries.